Tag: Technology

  • When Technology Bites Back

    When Technology Bites Back

    Technology has progressed at an enormous speed over my lifetime. Growing up, I remember being in awe at having our own computer and dial up internet. Today, I’m sure the younglings baulk at the very notion of recording your favourite songs from the radio onto a cassette tape. I have…

  • What’s Next Diabetes?

    I probably have ranted on this topic enough for it to be common knowledge that my diagnosis has always been a confusing one. I don’t have the typical characteristics of a type 2 diabetic but neither do I fit neatly into a type 1 category. The decision to progress me…

  • Modern Life

    I had the pleasure of receiving from Vicroads a few days ago that my license would be suspended if I don’t provide an up to date optometrist report within 28 days. ‘WHAT?!’ was indeed my first reaction. I had only just sent away a diabetes report a few weeks prior…

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